cake2451's corner

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All sorts of random stuff!

This is some stuff that doesn't really fit into any single category.

Splash Text

Want to know every splash on this site without having to refresh over and over? Click here!

A lot of these are from Minecraft, and in fact, Minecraft was what inspired me to add splash text to this site.

HTML Tutorial Stuff

A page I made with the guided HTML tutorial provided by Neocities back in 2023.

To get there, take this site's name and enter its eight characters as a path. Separate each character as if the first letter is a folder that holds the next.

Just as a note, make sure you can use your browser's back button, since there is no button on the page itself.

Homepage Archives

I make backups of my site once every month or two. These are pages I've archived using that.

Poll Archives

An archive of the polls that have run on this website. Polls that are currently running are not shown. Click here!

That's all for now.

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