Welcome to Tyler's site!

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Congrats! You've made it through my totally arbitrary game!

So, I'm one of those people that likes to do random stuff for fun. After all, why else would I have made this site? As far as I know, it's not gonna have much effect on my future.

But, I mean, it's just fun editing pages of my website while listening to Touhou music.

But let's not go down that rabbit hole. I'm not a bad apple!

Or a 495-year-old sheltered vampire. Or a maid in charge of the mansion said vampire is locked up in the basement of. Or a knight of nights.

Here's some basic facts about myself:

And yes, I'm male, though, like most people, I don't get much mail anymore.

Here's some of my socials I use for personal use. Don't stalk me online! I mean, I don't want to be known for having tons of followers, right?



To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

Seriously, don't stalk me online. It's not cool.