SMM2: The Breather

Super World course 8-2

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This is a Super Mario Maker 2 course. Here's some info about it.

Basic info
TitleThe Breather
Course descriptionYou reach a cave that's higher up than the warehouse.
Course ID5KY-XNH-06G
Date published2021/09/06 16:54

Course info
Game StyleNew Super Mario Bros. U
Underground (night)
Time limit300 seconds
Clear condition(Has checkpoint)
Clear-check time01:01.095

Extra info
Last edited2021/08/01 17:00
A small bit of respite before the final levels.

By the way, despite what the description says, it doesn't appear that way in the Super World.

There's a Goomba at the very start that immediately falls into a pit, and there's also some wall jumps.