New Leaf Town:


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This is my first town on Animal Crossing: New Leaf. This is the only 3DS game I own physically.

Here's some facts about it:


Note: All public works projects are not shown.



Starting from 4/2, I started to grind to get dream-related badges from Phineas before the shutdown date for 3DS online services.

Phineas gives badges for visiting 50, 200, and 500 dream towns.

Let's see when Pretendo Network adds support for Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Compared to City Folk, New Leaf had far more changes and didn't seem like a cheap rehash of the game before it. It had far higher sales than City Folk, and many people bought a 3DS specifically for New Leaf.

It featured an improved version of the city in City Folk that changes over time, and there's also another place to escape to. Its music is also quite relaxing.

But I never experienced any of this back when this game was new. I only discovered it in 2020, just a month after New Horizons was released, from a random YouTube video about stuff in City Folk that didn't return in New Leaf.

I had that discovery and didn't do anything with that knowledge for almost four years.

I only got a 3DS and New Leaf in January 2024, when I found out that the Nintendo Network was shutting down on April 8.

And I'm really glad I did. I got to see the genesis of Pocket Camp's assets and experience the joys of owning a 3DS.