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SMM2: Ocean Cave

Super World course 7-1

This is a Super Mario Maker 2 course. Here's some info about it.

Basic info

Includes the title, description, ID, and upload date.

TitleOcean Cave
Course descriptionIt would be nice if there were boats over here.
Course ID123-DEF-789
Date published2021/09/06 16:18

Course info

Includes info about some of the content in the course.

Game StyleSuper Mario Bros. 3
Time limit160 seconds
Clear condition(Has checkpoint)
Clear-check time01:00.809

Other info

Includes info that can't be seen in Course World.

Last edited2021/06/21 22:00
The first underwater level in a while. And, yes, it would really be nice if there were boats over here.

Anyway, this uses the Frog Suit and Banzai Bills. The underwater parts are vertical auto-scrollers, and connecting them is an auto-scrolling hallway. Just don't fall into the water in the last room.

Sitemap | Credits